
IRWM Planning and Technical Studies

Santa Margarita Groundwater Model Update (2015) (Scotts Valley Water District).  This update of the groundwater model informed efforts to restore groundwater levels and stream baseflow in the Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin. This project received $221,000 in grant funds and additional local matching funds. FINAL REPORT.

Aromas and Purisima Groundwater Basin Management Study (2014) (Central Water District). This planning and feasibility analysis examined the potential for redistribution of groundwater pumping between the Aromas and Purisima Formations near the boundary of the Central Water District and Soquel Creek Water District. Groundwater from both aquifers is currently the sole source of water supply for both Districts.  The Aromas is subject to seawater intrusion, elevated levels of Chromium VI (Cr-6), and overdraft. This study evaluated the potential to shift additional pumping from the Aromas to inland portions of the Purisima to balance the pumping and avoid anticipated future treatment costs for Cr-6 removal. This project received $196,000 in grant funds and additional local matching funds. FINAL REPORT.

Watsonville Sloughs Hydrologic Study (2014) (Resource Conservation District).  This study provided essential information to develop and implement strategies to improve this wetland ecosystem.  A hydrologic assessment of surface and shallow groundwater flows in the sloughs supported the development of resource management strategies to enhance water supply, flood management, ecosystem restoration, water quality, and recreational opportunities. This project received $199,056 in grant funds and additional local matching funds. This is an interregional study that will also benefit the neighboring Pajaro River Watershed IRWM Region.  FINAL REPORT.

Conjunctive Use and Water Transfers - Phase II (2015) (Santa Cruz County Water Resources Division). Phase I technical studies (2008-11) evaluated the feasibility of large-scale water exchanges and aquifer recharge to mitigate the water management problems in the Region, as well as the potential for interties among local water agencies. Phase II builds upon Phase I to identify specific groundwater recharge strategies/projects, develop preliminary designs, and address legal and regulatory constraints. This project received $164,500 in grant funds and additional local matching funds. FINAL REPORT.