Storm Water Resource Plan (SWRP) - The SWRP was completed in December 2016. The SWRP Project list is not a static list and is updated as necessary to be responsive to needs and changes in the Region. Project solicitations will be done in coordination with IRWM planning efforts. 

The SWRP is a comprehensive document outlining regional stormwater project priorities, as well as regional stormwater permit compliance.  Development of the SWRP was led by the County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health with contributions by staff and representatives from the City of Santa Cruz, the City of Scotts Valley, the City of Watsonville, the City of Capitola, Ecology Action, the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, and the University of California Santa Cruz. The SWRP was approved by the Santa Cruz RWMG on February 24, 2017 and is incorporated to the IRWM Plan as an appendix. In June 2017, the SWRCB issued its letter of concurrence that the SWRP met the requirements of the California Water Code and the SWRP Guidelines.  

Please direct comments to: 

Sierra Ryan, Sierra.Ryan@santacruzcounty.us

Water Resources Manager

County of Santa Cruz